Thunderchild Flowering Crab vs Common Wild Rose -

Thunderchild Flowering Crab vs Common Wild Rose

Malus x adstringens Thunderchild

Rosa woodsii


Thunderchild Flowering Crab
Common Wild Rose

Thunderchild Flowering Crab is a hybrid crab apple known for its attractive and fragrant dark pink blossoms and deep purple mature leaves.

Tree farmers will find this hybrid appealing as a pollinator for other apples, while home growers will enjoy the red pome's ability to attract flocks of Cedar Waxwings in the early spring.

This species is reportedly resistant to fireblight.

Common Wild Rose produces attractive pink roses and edible bright red rosehips. This tough, native shrub is a beautiful, low-maintenance addition to any garden. Common Wild Rose is very similar to Alberta (Prickly) Wild Rose but with fewer thorns.