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Patterson Pride Plum vs Panicle Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata
Prunus nigra x salicina Patterson Pride
Panicle Hydrangea is a large, broad-leaf, deciduous shrub that is prized for its ornamental appeal. It is easy to care for, long-lived, and cold-hardy.
Depending on the variety, its flowers change color throughout the blooming period. Make sure you water Panicle Hydrangeas regularly to achieve the most notable color change.
The Patterson Pride Plum is known for its delicious flavor, with firm, sweet golden flesh and dark red skin that isn’t sour. The freestone plums can grow 4-5 cm in diameter and are well-suited for fresh eating, baking, and preserves. It can produce heavy yields that ripen in mid-September which is later than other plums.
C.F. Patterson developed the Patterson Pride Plum at the University of Saskatchewan. It is known for its semi-dwarf, weeping growth habit
Patterson Pride Plum is a hybrid between Canada Plum and Japanese Plum. For fruit production, it needs to be planted with another variety for cross-pollination. Canada Plum and American Plum are considered universal pollinizers.