Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Silverberry (Wolf Willow) vs Garrington Chokecherry
Elaeagnus commutata
Prunus virginiana Garrington
Silverberry (also known as Wolf Willow) is a common native North American shrub. This beautiful ornamental plant has characteristic silver leaves and fragrant yellow flowers.
Its silver berries remain on the branches through the winter. Silverberry is cold hardy and has some ability as a nitrogen fixer. It can grow on dry to moist sandy/gravel soils. This plant is very low maintenance.
Garrington Chokecherry is a self-fertile and rare chokecherry that is commonly used for commercial orchards. This highly prized selection is known for its heavy yields of large, reddish-black fruit that are easily harvested with an over row harvester.
Garrington Chokecherry is also commonly used for hedges and edible landscaping. This shrubs' chokecherries are commonly used in baking, preserves, wine, and jams or jellies.