Labrador Tea vs Round Leaf Hawthorn -

Labrador Tea vs Round Leaf Hawthorn

Crataegus rotundifolia (Crataegus cyclophylla)

Rhododendron groenlandicum (Ledum groenlandicum)


Round Leaf Hawthorn
Labrador Tea

Getting its name from rounded, toothed leaves, the Round Leaf Hawthorn is a winter hardy shrub that grows small, red, berry-like fruits.

Commonly used for landscaping, this shrub can also be found along stream banks and in wooded areas. Caution is advised when handling the Round Leaf Hawthorn, as it can have sharp thorns approximately 1" long.

Labrador Tea is slow-growing evergreen shrub native to the boreal forests of Canada.

It thrives in wet, swampy conditions.

Labrador Tea has narrow, leathery, dark green leaves, topped by a cluster of white flowers in the spring. It is a perfect ornamental shrub for boggy, wet areas of your property.