Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Beaked Hazelnut vs Butternut
Corylus cornuta
Juglans cinerea
Beaked Hazelnut is a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub native to North America.
It features smooth, grey bark and edible nuts. Beaked Hazelnut prefers a rich sandy-clay loam but will grow on poorer sites, and can be used as an understory shrub.
Note: You want more than one hazelnut to improve yields.
Butternut is one of the few walnut varieties native to Canada. The nuts are sought after for their mild, sweet, and oily taste. Ensure this tree is planted in full sun and well-drained soil for best results.
Butternut is self-fertile but it has better yields when planted near other butternuts. It can survive in zone 2, but reliably produces nuts in zone 3.
A top CO2 absorbing species. Experts think this tree may help climate change more than others.