Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Common Hackberry vs Northern Red Oak
Celtis occidentalis
Quercus rubra
The Common Hackberry is a medium-sized deciduous tree that resembles the American Elm but is immune to Dutch Elm Disease. They are versatile and can adapt to a variety of growing conditions.
It produces purple-red, berry-like fruit with a large seed in the center. Both the sweet flesh, which tastes similar to dates, and the crunchy seed are edible. The fruit remains on the tree throughout the winter, offering a valuable food source for birds and other wildlife.
The Common Hackberry can also be a great addition to a pollinator garden. The tree itself is a host for the larvae of several butterfly species and the flowers provide a source of pollen and nectar.
Northern Red Oak is a medium-sized deciduous tree. It is fast-growing (for an oak tree) and is used primarily in lawns, parks, golf courses, street-side plantings, and commercial areas. Northern Red Oak's fall color is spectacular.
In open spaces, it has a short, massive trunk and an extensive crown. In forests Northern Red Oak grows with a tall columnar bole and small rounded head.
We are one of the only nurseries growing this tree.
Check out some video of the spectacular fall colour on our Northern Red Oak seedlings just before harvest on our YouTube Channel.
Note: Most Oak species can be considered toxic for many animals.