Northern Red Currant vs Brianna Grape -

Northern Red Currant vs Brianna Grape

Ribes triste

Vitis x Brianna


Northern Red Currant
Brianna Grape

The Northern Red Currant is also known as the Swamp Red currant due to its preference for moist soil. As long as the soil is wet, this shrub can live in any degree of sunlight.

The currant itself is a bright red-purple berry enjoyed by many animals and some people for its sour flavour, similar to garden red currants. The flowers of this shrub are tiny and red or greenish-purple.

Brianna Grape is a new grape variety with unique, tropical aromas of mango, banana, and pineapple. Ripening in September, you can use the grapes for juice, white wine, and fresh eating.

Not only is this one of the tastiest grapes on the prairies, it also has above average disease resistance. Consider partnering Brianna Grape with another grape variety to get a higher yield.

Note: We do not ship grape vines to BC due to regulatory restrictions from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.