Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Thunderchild Flowering Crab vs Thornless Honeylocust
Malus x adstringens Thunderchild
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis
Thunderchild Flowering Crab is a hybrid crab apple known for its attractive and fragrant dark pink blossoms and deep purple mature leaves.
Tree farmers will find this hybrid appealing as a pollinator for other apples, while home growers will enjoy the red pome's ability to attract flocks of Cedar Waxwings in the early spring.
This species is reportedly resistant to fireblight.
Thornless Honey Locust makes an excellent shade tree with its lacy foliage and dappled shade. The leaves are honey-yellow, light and airy, providing interesting color and texture to your landscape. This variety is thornless, and the seeds and pods provide food for wildlife such as deer and squirrels.
The Thornless Honey Locust is tolerant of drought, various soil conditions, and even road salt.