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Red Currant vs Northern Red CurrantRibes rubrum Ribes triste SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Red Currant is a deciduous shrub native to western Europe. It features five-lobed, maple-like leaves, and bright red berries that can be used in jams, sauces, and fresh eating.
The Northern Red Currant is also known as the Swamp Red currant due to its preference for moist soil. As long as the soil is wet, this shrub can live in any degree of sunlight. RED CURRANT QUICK FACTSNORTHERN RED CURRANT QUICK FACTS
shiny, sour, bright red
reddish or greenish purple
Growth rate:
Growth rate:
Pollution tolerance:
Pollution tolerance:
Other Names:
swamp red currant
All Items, Berries, Currant, Native Alberta Plants, Native British Columbia Plants, Native Manitoba Plants, Native New Brunswick Plants, Native Newfoundland Plants, Native North America Plants, Native Northwest Territories Plants, Native Nova Scotia Plants, Native Nunavut Plants, Native Ontario Plants, Native Prince Edward Island Plants, Native Quebec Plants, Native Saskatchewan Plants, Native Yukon Plants, Permaculture, Shrubs, Urban Yards