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American Elm vs Tulip PoplarUlmus americana Liriodendron tulipifera SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
American Elm is fast growing, tall tree with a recognizable and pleasing shape.
Tulip Poplar is the perfect shade tree for wide open spaces. It has a shallow and extensive root system, so ensure you give it space to grow. The attractive and showy, yellow-orange, tulip shaped flowers are where this tree gets its name. AMERICAN ELM QUICK FACTSTULIP POPLAR QUICK FACTS
Fall colour:
bright yellow
Growth rate:
Growth rate:
Pollution tolerance:
Pollution tolerance:
Other Names:
water elm, whilte elm
All Items, Deciduous Trees, Elm, Fall Colour, Feature Trees, Native Manitoba Plants, Native New Brunswick Plants, Native North America Plants, Native Nova Scotia Plants, Native Ontario Plants, Native Prince Edward Island Plants, Native Quebec Plants, Native Saskatchewan Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shade Trees, SPECIALS, Strong Start