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Mary Washington Asparagus for sale
Mary Washington Asparagus
Asparagus officinalis Mary Washington
The Mary Washington Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that produces edible shoots or spears that may be harvested in April-May. This plant is an heir...
The Mary Washington Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that produces edible shoots or spears that may be harvested in April-May. This plant is an heirloom which produces large green stalks that can be harvested earlier than other asparagus cultivars, and the spears feature a crisp, nutty flavor. There are male and female plants, and the females can grow into towering ferns after going to seed for the year.
The Mary Washington Asparagus gets its name from the mother of George Washington, who was married to the plant breeder Augustine Washington. For a more reliable asparagus crop, it is recommended that you don’t harvest in the first year and allow it to establish its root systems.
Mary Washington Asparagus Quick Facts
Mary Washington Asparagus Quick Facts
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