Slough Grass vs Swamp White Oak -

Slough Grass vs Swamp White Oak

Quercus bicolor

Beckmannia syzigachne


Swamp White Oak
Slough Grass

The Swamp White Oak is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to North America. It is commonly found in swamps, lowlands, floodplains, and near streams and lakes. The leaves are two-toned, green on top and silvery-white on the undersides, adding to the visual appeal of this popular shade tree.

In the fall, the Swamp White Oak produces acorns which are an important food source for wildlife. It also provides a habitat for the larvae of many butterfly and moth species, playing an important ecological role. Although its growth is slow in the first few years, once the roots are established, it can achieve faster annual growth.

Slough Grass is a hardy grass that will happily grow in any wet soil. It is usually found near water and is common haymaking material or forage.

Slough Grass is also useful for erosion control and land reclamation.