Pussy Willow vs Cherry Prinsepia - TreeTime.ca

Pussy Willow vs Cherry Prinsepia

Salix discolor

Prinsepia sinensis



Pussy Willow
Cherry Prinsepia

Pussy Willow is a large shrub or small tree that produces catkins that are soft, silky, and silvery before leaves appear in the spring. This native willow prefers moist to wet soil.

Pussy Willow makes a beautiful accent tree, and its bright branches can be used for floral arrangements or basket making.

All willow are important to native pollinators each spring as they have higher amounts of pollen and nectar early each growing season when other food sources are scarce.

Cherry Prinsepia is an attractive, cold hardy shrub with thorny stems and a rounded shape.

Primarily used for its shrub and hedge characteristics, Cherry Prinsepia is also grown for its ornamental fruit. Tart in flavor, the red berries are edible and enjoyed by birds and humans alike.

If deer are an issue on your property, try planting Cherry Prinsepia in a tight row to create a dense hedge to deter them.

Note: Unfortunately this difficult to grow species is not currently scheduled to grow at TreeTime.ca. Perhaps try purchasing seed from SeedTime.ca and growing your own? Or sign up for a restock notification above.