Pussy Willow vs Peachleaf Willow - TreeTime.ca

Pussy Willow vs Peachleaf Willow

Salix discolor

Salix amygdaloides


Pussy Willow
Peachleaf Willow

Pussy Willow is a large shrub or small tree that produces catkins that are soft, silky, and silvery before leaves appear in the spring. This native willow prefers moist to wet soil.

Pussy Willow makes a beautiful accent tree, and its bright branches can be used for floral arrangements or basket making.

All willow are important to native pollinators each spring as they have higher amounts of pollen and nectar early each growing season when other food sources are scarce.

The Peachleaf Willow is often a multi-stemmed willow that generally grows into a tall shrub. This versatile and useful small tree is often seen in riparian zones and erosion control projects. Wildlife rely on the twigs, foliage and bark for food.

A widely distributed willow species, it's long pointed leaves are dark green on top and pale green underneath. The Peachleaf Willow is the tallest of the native prairie willows reaching 40ft in height.