Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Common Blueberry vs Borealis Haskap (Honeyberry)
Vaccinium myrtilloides
Lonicera caerulea Borealis
Common Blueberry is an August maturing berry that is wonderfully flavorful and contain more antioxidants by volume than the highbush varieties.
They'll give your baked goods a wonderful pop of flavor.
It isn't as large, pretty, or high yielding as the other varieties we carry. But Common Blueberry is one of the only blueberries that will survive in plant hardiness zones 1A to 2B.
Note: Blueberries require very specific soil conditions. They need well-drained soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.0.
Borealis Haskap is a popular variety due to its great-tasting, sweet-tart berries. The flavour of Haskaps is generally described as a cross between a blueberry and a raspberry. Borealis Haskaps are well suited to fresh eating, baking, and preserves.
It has strong fruit holds and is not very firm so it does not do well when handled by equipment. This variety is a favourite for home gardens and U-Picks.
For optimal fruit production, cross-pollination is required. Haskaps need to be planted with a compatible variety. Compatibility is influenced by both bloom time and genetics.
Borealis Haskap is an early-pollinating variety and pairs well with Aurora and Honey Bee.