Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Sandbar Willow vs Tall Manna Grass
Salix exigua
Glyceria grandis
Sandbar Willow is a deciduous species native to much of North America. This mid-sized, fast-growing shrub can be found in very wet areas, making it an ideal plan to use in a wet area with erosion risk.
Sandbar Willow has long, narrow green leaves, and its grassy narrow stems give it an attractive, bamboo-like appearance.
All willow are important to native pollinators each spring as they have higher amounts of pollen and nectar early each growing season when other food sources are scarce.
Manna Grass and other waterside plants are an excellent way to prevent erosion and provide habitat and forage for animals. The difference is that Manna Grass looks better doing it! With distinctive purple grains at the top of its stalks, Manna Grass adds a splash of color to the waterside that most other aquatics can't offer.
Manna Grass is good for returning disturbed sites to nature and provides nourishment to many animals, except for cattle who find it toxic.
Sandbar Willow Quick Facts
Tall Manna Grass Quick Facts
Toxicity: toxic to cattle