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Jack Pine vs Swiss Stone PinePinus banksiana Pinus cembra SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Jack Pine is a cold tolerant native species that can survive on dry, sandy or gravelly sites.
Swiss Stone Pine is a hardy, slow-growing evergreen. Narrowly pyramidal while young, this long-lived tree is adaptable to many soil types. Due to its shape and density, Swiss Stone Pine is a versatile shade or accent tree. JACK PINE QUICK FACTSSWISS STONE PINE QUICK FACTS
Fall colour:
Growth rate:
Growth rate:
Pollution tolerance:
Pollution tolerance:
In row spacing: 3 - 4 m (10 - 12 ft)
Between row spacing:
5 m (16 ft)
All Items, Feature Trees, Native Alberta Plants, Native British Columbia Plants, Native Manitoba Plants, Native New Brunswick Plants, Native North America Plants, Native Northwest Territories Plants, Native Nova Scotia Plants, Native Ontario Plants, Native Prince Edward Island Plants, Native Quebec Plants, Native Saskatchewan Plants, Pine, Privacy Trees, Shelterbelts and Windbreaks, Xeriscaping