Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Yellow Twig Dogwood vs Coho Raspberry
Cornus sericea flaviramea
Rubus idaeus Coho
Yellow Twig Dogwood is a small deciduous shrub with attractive, bright yellow bark.
It features delicate white, star-shaped flowers and white fruit. It is often used as a screen, and its wide-spreading roots help stabilize areas experiencing soil erosion.
Yellow Twig Dogwood complements Red Osier Dogwood, and it is a great filler to add winter color to shrub and flower gardens.
Coho Raspberry is a high-yielding raspberry that is known for having large, very firm berries. They are bright red with a great flavour. Their firmness allows for easy picking and makes them well suited for freezing. They are one of the last raspberries to ripen, allowing for fresh berries later in the season.
They are named after the Coho Salmon which are known for their bright red colouring and late spawning runs.
The Coho Raspberry is a fast-growing floricane. This means that raspberries will not grow on canes the year they first grow. The mature canes they do grow on, however, produce more berries than primocane varieties.
Yellow Twig Dogwood Quick Facts
Coho Raspberry Quick Facts
In row spacing: 0.9 m (3 ft)