Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Common Snowberry vs Burning Bush
Symphoricarpos albus
Euonymus alatus
Common Snowberry is a small deciduous shrub with characteristic white to pink flowers and clusters of white fruit.
This North American native species is very adaptable, and can be used for erosion control in riparian and restoration areas. Snowberry's fruit attracts wildlife, and livestock can consume the berries without issue.
Burning Bush is a unique shrub whose leaves turn firey red in the fall. You can plant it in rows to make a hedge or on its own. Burning Bush requires little maintenance and thrives in just about any kind of soil, which makes it a good choice for inexperienced growers. Plant it in full sun to get its best fall color.
Note: Burning Bush is considered an invasive species in eastern North America. Please plant the right tree in the right place.
Common Snowberry Quick Facts
Burning Bush Quick Facts
Toxicity: berries toxic to humans