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Honey Bee Haskap (Honeyberry) vs Black RaspberryLonicera caerulea Honey Bee Rubus occidentalis SOLD OUT SOLD OUT Honey Bee Haskap is a hardy deciduous shrub. Honey Bee Haskap produces tarter fruit than the Borealis and Tundra varieties, and it holds its fruit longer. This Haskap's leaves are sunburn and powdery mildew resistant. Honey Bee Haskap makes a great pollinator for Borealis, Tundra or the Indigo varieties.
The Black Raspberry is a multi-stemmed shrub that produces edible red berries that deepen to black as they mature. The berries are flavorful and are great for fresh eating and preserves. Black Raspberry shrubs bloom in late spring with white, rose-like flowers and attract many pollinators such as bees and butterflies. HONEY BEE HASKAP (HONEYBERRY) QUICK FACTSBLACK RASPBERRY QUICK FACTS
elongate blue berries ripen in late June. Delicate skinned, tarter than Borealis and Tundra Haskaps
red to black
Growth rate:
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Other Names:
bears eye blackberry, black cap, scotch cap