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Canaan Fir vs Grand FirAbies balsamea phanerolepis Abies grandis ONLY AVAILABLE BY CONTRACT GROW ONLY AVAILABLE BY CONTRACT GROW
Canaan Fir, which is closely related to Balsam Fir, is known for its open-growing patterns and strong branches.
Grand Fir is a large, coniferous evergreen native to the Pacific Northwest of North America. Closely related to the White Fir, this tree has glossy green, needle-like leaves with notched ends. A tall, majestic tree, Grand Fir grows best in drier climates. CANAAN FIR QUICK FACTSGRAND FIR QUICK FACTS
Fall colour:
Growth rate:
Growth rate:
Pollution tolerance:
Pollution tolerance:
In row spacing: 3 m (10 ft)
Between row spacing:
5 m (16 ft)
Other Names:
giant fir, great silver fir, lowland white fir, oregon fir, vancouver fir, western white fir