Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Sebastien Gooseberry for sale
Sebastien Gooseberry
Ribes uva-crispa Sebastien
(new stock expected: fall of 2026)
Sebastien Gooseberry is a nearly thornless variety that produces medium-sized, red gooseberries. When the berries are fully ripe they are quite sweet...
Sebastien Gooseberry is a nearly thornless variety that produces medium-sized, red gooseberries. When the berries are fully ripe they are quite sweet and great for fresh eating. They can be stored for up to two weeks in the fridge. For baking and preserves, they are often picked when under-ripe when they are firm and tart. The general harvest period is anywhere from July to September.
Sebastien Gooseberry is a Canadian variety that was developed at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research station in Ottawa.
Gooseberries are self-pollinating but planting with another variety will increase yields.
Sebastien Gooseberry Quick Facts
Sebastien Gooseberry Quick Facts
What will you find at
A huge assortment of trees, shrubs, and berry seedlings at prices garden centers, tree farms, and plant nurseries just can't match.
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