Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Mountain time
Albion Strawberry vs Red Mammoth Raspberry
Fragaria ananassa Albion
Rubus sp. SK Red Mammoth
Albion Strawberry is an Day Neutral (Long Day, Everbearing) hybrid that produces berries all summer and into fall. It is heat tolerant and disease resistant, and grows well in warmer climates. Its conical fruit, bright red color, and reliable firmness, make the fruit excellent for fresh eating, or in pies or jellies.
Developed by the University of Saskatchewan Fruit Program, SK. Red Mammoth was a high yielding and firm variety released in 1999. It produces distinctively large bright red berries about 1 inch wide. It is also more cold hardy than older raspberry cultivars. Red Mammoth is firm which makes it suitable for commercial production and sweeter than Boyne. Floricane.
Needs to be trellised as canes are not as sturdy as other varieties.