show all care and maintenance questionsThe most important thing to remember when your trees first arrive is to always handle them carefully. Your trees are alive and can be harmed if dropped, bent or broken.
Other things to remember:
- Promptly pick them up from the post office - you have no control over the conditions in the post office or your community mailbox. Bring your trees home as soon as you can.
- Thaw them completely - your trees may still be frozen when you receive them. If this is the case, keep them in a cool, dark place until they are thawed thoroughly.
- Keep them moist - this means keeping your trees away from heat and blowing air. If the roots seem dry you can submerge them in water for a few minutes. (Trees need oxygen - do not submerge them in water for more than 2 hours).
- Regulate temperature - do not allow your trees to go through drastic changes in temperature. Keep your trees out of direct sunlight and do not allow them to refreeze.
- Keep them wrapped in plastic - it helps regulate temperature and will prevent your trees from drying out.
- Plant them as soon as possible after they are thawed - the sooner you plant them, the better your trees will do.
- Take extra special care of them on the day of planting - dig your holes before you bring out your trees. Ensure your trees are completely thawed. Plant one box of trees at a time (keep the others closed up in the shade). Do not lay your trees out beside your holes and let them bake in the sun before you plant them. Follow the instructions in our How to plant a tree question.
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This question has the following tags: care and maintenance, planting